
Cum sa convertesti fisier .VDI - VirtualBox pentru KVM/Proxmox tip fisier .img

Salut, acest post iti va explica cum poti converti imaginea de hdd a unei masini virtuale facute...

Radio Icecast / Shoutcast PHP Proxy to Re-stream Radio Stream on HTTPS

SHOUTcast doesn’t support SSL/HTTPs. The shoutcast service on port like 8000 is an unencrypted...

Re Stream Radio Shoutcast / Icecast using Node JS

Re-stream Radio (Shoutcast/Icecast) Stream using Node.JS and get Metadata current playing song...

[Cent0S 7.1] How to install Asterisk?

Asterisk is an open source framework for building communications applications. Asterisk turns...

[FreeBSD] How to reset root-MySQL password freebsd?

Cum sa resetezi parola la mysql root in freebsd ?1. Va autentificati in pe root si dati...

[Linux/UNIX] Find Out What Program/Service is Listening on a Specific TCP Port

Q. How do I find out which service is listening on a specific port? How do I find out what...

[Linux] Calculating and storing the record for UPTIME

Calcularea recordului de uptime. "Scriptul urmator va trebui plasat in crontab astfel incat sa...

[Linux] Script BACKUP MYSQL - BASH

Cum cerezi un script BASH pentru backup MYSQL care genereaza automat pe an/luna/zi...

[Linux]: Block Port With IPTables

How do I block port number with iptables under Linux operating systems? Port numbers which are...

[Ubuntu 16.04] How To Install Linux, Nginx, MySQL, PHP (LEMP stack)

The LEMP stack configured in these documents is established in contrast to the popular LAMP Stack...

[Ubuntu 16.04] Let's Encrypt for Nginx including IPv6, HTTP/2

Let’s Encrypt is a free, automated, and open certificate authority (CA), run for the public’s...

[Ubuntu] How to Installing Ruby on Rails

In this article we will provide basic steps on how to install Ruby on Rails onto Ubuntu based...

how to install desktop on ubuntu 22.04

As of my knowledge cutoff in September 2021, Ubuntu 22.04 is not released yet. The latest...